ATON Lodge and Order Pillar Rituals
Here sayeth the Master of the Temple..."All that has come upon these Pillars,Holy Pylons of Light in the Name of the Netjeru,and Holy that holds thee..upon the Heavens and Earth...The Ankh to hold thee,the Tet to raise thee,the Stairs to achieve thee...All upon holds the Pillars of the ATON Temple and Lodge and Order...."
He stamps the Anubisstaff nine times and the Lodge and Order recite over Twenty-one glowing candles or torches..and intones each of the Names of the Pylons...
The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

The following shall be said when one cometh to the FIRST PYLON. The Osiris the
scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith: "Lady of tremblings, high-walled, the sovereign
lady, the lady of destruction, who uttereth the words which drive back the destroyers,
who delivereth from destruction him that cometh." The name of her Doorkeeper is
The Pylons of the House of Osiris
The following shall be said when one cometh to the SECOND PYLON. The Osiris the
scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith: "Lady of heaven, Mistress of the Two Lands,
devourer by fire, Lady of mortals, who art infinitely greater than any human being."
The name of her Doorkeeper is Mes-Ptah.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

The following shall be said when one cometh to the THIRD PYLON. The Osiris the
scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith: "Lady of the Altar, the mighty lady to whom
offerings are made, greatly beloved one of every god sailing up the river to Abydos."
The name of her Doorkeeper is Sebqa.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

The following shall be said when one cometh to the FOURTH PYLON. The Osiris the
scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith: "Prevailer with knives, Mistress of the Two
Lands, destroyer of the enemies of the Still-Heart (Osiris), who decreeth the release of
those who suffer through evil hap." The name of her Doorkeeper is Nekau.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

The following shall be said when one cometh to the FIFTH PYLON. The Osiris the
scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith: "Flame, Lady of fire, absorbing the entreaties
which are made to her, who permitteth not to approach her the rebel." The name of her
Doorkeeper is Henti-Reqiu.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

The following shall be said when one cometh to the SIXTH PYLON. The Osiris the
scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith: "Lady of light, who roareth mightily, whose
breadth cannot be comprehended. Her like hath not been found since the beginning.
There are serpents over which are unknown. They were brought forth before the
Still-Heart." The name of her Doorkeeper is Semati.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

The following shall be said when one cometh to the SEVENTH PYLON. The Osiris the
scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith: "Garment which envelopeth the helpless one,
which weepeth for and loveth that which it covereth." The name of her Doorkeeper is
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

The following shall be said when one cometh to the EIGHTH PYLON. The Osiris the
scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith: "Blazing fire, unquenchable, with far-reaching
tongues of flame, irresistible slaughterer, which one may not pass through fear of its
deadly attack." The name of her Doorkeeper is Khutchetef.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

The following shall be said when one cometh to the NINTH PYLON. The Osiris the
scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith: "Chieftainess, lady of strength, who giveth quiet
of heart to the offspring of her lord. Her girth is three hundred and fifty khet, and she is
clothed with green feldspar of the South. She bindeth up the divine form and clotheth
the helpless one. Devourer, lady of all men." The name of her Doorkeeper is
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

The following shall be said when one cometh to the TENTH PYLON. The Osiris the
scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith: "Goddess of the loud voice, who maketh her
suppliants to mourn, the awful one who terrifieth, who herself remaineth unterrified
within." The name of her Doorkeeper is Sekhenur.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

Nu, the steward of the keeper of the seal, saith when he cometh to the ELEVENTH
PYLON of Osiris: "I have made my way, I know you, and I know thy name, and I
know the name of her who is within thee: She who slayeth always, consumer of the
fiends by fire, mistress of every pylon, the lady who is acclaimed on the day of
darkness" is thy name. She inspecteth the swathing of the helpless one.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

The Osiris Nu, the steward of the keeper of the seal, saith when he cometh to the
TWELFTH PYLON of Osiris: "I have made my way, I know you, and I know thy name,
and I know the name of her who is within thee: Invoker of thy Two Lands, destroyer of
those who come to thee by fire, lady of spirits, obeyer of the word of thy Lord" is thy
name. She inspecteth the swathing of the helpless one.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

The Osiris Nu, the steward of the keeper of the seal, saith when he cometh to the
THIRTEENTH PYLON of Osiris: "I have made my way, I know you and I know thy
name, and I know the name of her who is within thee: Osiris foldeth his arms about
her, and maketh Hapi (the Nile-god), to emit splendour out of his hidden places" is thy
name. She inspecteth the swathing of the helpless one.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

The Osiris Nu, the steward of the keeper of the seal, saith when he cometh to the
FOURTEENTH PYLON of Osiris: "I have made my way, I know thee, and I know thy
name, and I know the name of her who is within thee. Lady of might, who trampleth on
the Red Demons, who keepeth the festival of Haaker on the day of the hearing of faults"
is thy name. She inspecteth the swathing of the helpless one.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

THE FIFTEENTH PYLON. The Osiris Heru-em-khebit, whose word is truth, shall say
when he cometh to this pylon: "Fiend, red of hair and eyes, who appeareth by night,
and doth fetter the fiend in his lair. Let her hands be given to the Still-Heart in his
hour, let her advance and go forward" is thy name. She inspecteth the swathing of the
helpless one.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

THE SIXTEENTH PYLON. The Osiris Heru-em-khebit, whose word is truth, shall say
when he cometh to this pylon: "Terrible one, lady of the rain-storm, destroyer of the
souls of men, devourer of the bodies of men, orderer, producer, and maker of slaughter"
is thy name. She inspecteth the swathing of the helpless one.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

THE SEVENTEENTH PYLON. The Osiris Heru-em-khebit, whose word is truth, shall
say when he cometh to this pylon: "Hewer-in-pieces in blood, Ahibit, lady of hair" is
thy name. She inspecteth the swathing of the helpless one.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

THE EIGHTEENTH PYLON. The Osiris Heru-em-khebit, whose word is truth, shall
say when he cometh to this pylon: "Fire-lover, pure one, lover of slaughterings, cutter
off of heads, devoted one, lady of the Great House, slaughterer of fiends at eventide" is
thy name. She inspecteth the swathing of the helpless one.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

THE NINETEENTH PYLON. The Osiris Heru-em-khebit, whose word is truth, shall
say when he cometh to this pylon: "Light-giver for life, blazing all the day, lady of
strength [and of] the writings of the god Thoth himself" is thy name. She inspecteth the
swathings of the White House.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

THE TWENTIETH PYLON. The Osiris Heru-em-khebit, whose word is truth, shall say
when he cometh to this pylon: "Dweller in the cavern of her lord, her name is Clother,
hider of her creations, conqueror of hearts, swallower [of them]" is thy name. She
inspecteth the swathings of the White House.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pylons Of The House Of Osiris

THE TWENTY-FIRST PYLON. The Osiris Heru-em-khebit, whose word is truth, shall
say when he cometh to this pylon: "Knife which cutteth when [its name] is uttered,
slayer of those who approach thy flame" is thy name. She possesseth hidden plans.
The Master of the Temple takes a part of bread,dried in soaked beer and leaves it before the torches or candles...all twenty-one of them...When the 2nd Sorors come forth,and takes each of the Pillars and places them evenly about the Temple of ATON...and the Ritual and Heka continues...
The Pillars and Pylons Ritual continues on the Next Page