The Pillars and Pylons Ritual Continued
The Master of the Temple or the Heirophant again stamps the Anubisstaff except its nine times to the South of the Altar.Al turn about in the Lodge and Order to face the Pylons about the Temple.and the Lodge and Order circumamulates Twenty-one times Sun wise about the Temple,and the master of the Temple or 1st Sororer calls out this Heka...
Twenty-first pylon of the Still-Heart! I have made the way. I know thee. I know thy
name. I know the name of the goddess who guardeth thee. "Sword that smiteth at the
utterance of its own name, stinking face, overthrower of him that approacheth her
flame" is thy name. Thou keepest the hidden things of the avenger of the god, thou
guardest them. Amam is his name. He maketh the ash trees (cedars) not to grow, and the
shenu trees (acacias) not to blossom, and preventeth copper from being found in the
mountain. The Tchatcha (Chiefs) of this Pylon are Seven Gods. Tchen, or Anthch (At),
is the name of the one at the door. Hetepmes is the name of another there. Messep is the
name of another there. Utchara is the name of another there. Beq is the name of
another there. Anp (Anubis) is the name of another there. I have made the way. I am
Menu-Heru, the avenger of his father, the heir of his father Un-Nefer. I have come. I
have given [offerings] to my father Osiris. I have overthrown all his enemies. I have
come daily with the word of truth, the lord of fealty, in the house of my father Tem, the
Lord of Anu, I, the Osiris Auf-ankh, whose word is truth in the southern heaven. I have
done what is right for him that made the right, I have celebrated the Haker festival to
the lord thereof. I have acted as the leader of the festivals. I have given cakes to the
Lords of the Altar. I have been the leader of the propitiatory offerings, cakes, ale, oxen,
geese, to my father Osiris Un-Nefer. I am the protector of the Ba-soul, I have made the
Benu bird to appear [by my] words. I have come daily into the house of the god to make
offerings of incense. I have come with the shenti tunic. I have set the Neshem Boat
afloat on the water. I have made the word of Osiris Khenti Amenti to be truth before his
enemies. I have carried away in a boat all his enemies to the slaughter-house of the
East, and they shall never escape from the wardship of the god Keb who dwelleth
therein. I have made the Kefaiu gods of Ra to stand up, I have made his word to be
truth. I have come as a scribe. I have explained [the writings]. I have made the god to
have power over his legs. I have come into the house of him that is upon his mountain
(Anubis). I have seen the Chief of the Seh hall. I have entered into Ra-stau. I have made
myself invisible. I have found for myself the boundary. I have approached Nerutef. I
have clothed the naked. I have sailed up the river to Abydos. I have performed the
ceremonies of Hu and Sa. I have entered the house of Astes. I have made supplication to
the Khati gods and to Sekhmet in the temple of Net (Neith), or the Aged Ones. I have
entered Ra-stau. I have made myself invisible. I have found the frontier. I have
approached Nerutef. I have clothed the naked. I have sailed up the river to Abydos. I
have performed the ceremonies of Hu and Sa. I have received. I have risen like a king
crowned. I fill my seat on the throne in the place of my father, the God Who was at the
beginning. I have praised the Meskhen of Ta-tchesert. My mouth is full of Maat (Truth).
I have overwhelmed the Akhekhau serpents. I have come into the Great House with
[my] body in a flourishing condition. I have caused myself to travel in the Boat of Hai.
The myrrh unguent of..... is in the hair of men (Rekhit). I have entered into the House
of Astes. I have approached with worship the two Khati gods and Sekhmet, who are in
the temple of the Aged One [in Anu].
[And the god Osiris saith:] "Thou hast come, thou shalt be a favoured one in Tetu, O
Osiris Auf-ankh, whose word is truth, the son of the lady Shert-en-Menu, whose word is
From here..the Lodge and Order stop back to the Altar.And a Scribe rings the Gong three times,and the Master of the Temple declares the Lodge and Order is now open for Ritual and Heka....This Ritual is performed before each Ritual and Heka setting...The Altar and Temple is then prepared for and to any Feast and Ritual that is next of Need to be done...This is done before each Equinox and Solstice...and before each 'Utterance of the New Moon" ...from this the Ritual would continue with...

"Hail, Power of Heaven, Opener of the Disk, thou Beautiful Rudder of the Northern Heaven.

Hail, Ra, Guide of the Two Lands, thou Beautiful Rudder of the Western Heaven.

Hail, Khu, Dweller in the House of the Akhemu gods, thou Beautiful Rudder of the Eastern Heaven.

Hail, Governor, Dweller in the House of the Tesheru Gods, thou Beautiful Rudder of the Southern Heaven.

Grant ye cakes, and ale and tchefau food to the Osiris Auf-ankh, whose word is truth.

Hail, Father of the Gods! Hail, Mother of teh Gods in Khert-Neter! Deliver ye the Osiris from every evil thing, from every evil
obstruction, from every dire attack of an enemy, and from that deadly snarer with knife-like words, and from men, and gods,
and Spirit-souls, and the damned, on this day, on this night, on this present festival of the fifteenth day, and in this year, and
from the things of evil thereof."
From this Admonition of Heka and Ritual..the 1st Frater would go standeth in the East and the 1st Sororer would go standeth in the West...and the calling of the Netjer would continue..blessed of Temple Pillars and Pylons...
The Inner Temple Mysteries are of course much more extensive...and the Temple Members are Trained and Schooled in the Concepts and Inner Mysteries for the ATON and Netjeru.